Whether you're looking to de-stress, ease pain or overcome injury, here's your chance to win a massage at The Thornbury Clinic!
The Clinic offers four types of massage to cater to everyone's needs: Sports, Remedial, Pregnancy and Relaxation.
The prize is a 1 hour massage of your choice (usual cost £55), booked in advance for a mutually convenient date and time in Thornbury or Yate.
For your chance to win, send us your details using the form below and we'll enter you into the draw. It's open to new and existing clients.
The Thornbury Clinic understands that every patient requires an individually tailored treatment. Due to this every massage is different and your practitioner will discuss everything with you and make sure they deliver exactly what you expect at the highest possible standard.
The clinic's practitioners take pride in a holistic, patient-centred approach to helping you back on track as soon as possible. To find out more about the range of treatments, call in to 4 Castle Street, Thornbury BS35 1HB or Yate Active Lifestyle Centre, Kennedy Way, Yate BS37 4DQ, visit www.thethornburyclinic.co.uk, email: info@thethornburyclinic.co.uk or call 01454 838366.
The Thornbury Clinic - facilitating recovery, preventing reinjury.