7.30pm: Sodbury & District Flower Club Practice Class
Old Grammar School Rooms
Create a Spring Basket
Our meetings involve either visiting qualified arrangers giving a demonstration on a theme, or the chance to come and learn the basic techniques of flower arranging at practice classes.
Newcomers very welcome. For details please call Mrs R Cummins on 0117 937 3836.
Click to see more events for Sodbury and District Flower Club.
We meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month (excluding January, December and August) at the Old Grammar School Rooms, Chipping Sodbury at 7.30pm.
Come and learn the basic techniques of flower arranging at practice classes. Members bring flowers and foliage (mechanics and sundries can be bought on the night) and create an arrangement based on a pre-set title. Constructive feedback will be given.
We hold a beginners class at the practice sessions - come and have a go.
We also invite qualified arrangers to visit and give a demonstration on a theme - visitors are welcome to attend. All arrangements can be won in a raffle.
We are an active club and enjoy outings, an annual skittles match and more.
If anyone is interested in joining or finding out about our club they are welcome to join a meeting (there is a charge for non-members at demonstrations) or phone Rosemary Cummins on 0117 9373836 or .
New members and beginners, including men and younger people, are always welcome.