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Sodbury Parish Plan

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Chipping Sodbury

How to contact the Sodbury Parish Plan Group

The Steering Group is composed of volunteers who are all residents or run a business in Sodbury Parish.

To find out more please contact:

  • Jane Lund (Chairman) 01454 311180 email:
  • Pauline Wilson (Secretary) 01454 310540 email:

The images on this page have been kindly supplied by Richard Wilson and Rich McD Photography.

Sodbury Celebrates Seating Success

Members of the Sodbury Parish Plan group and sponsors have held a celebration to mark the installation of four new seats in Chipping Sodbury town centre.

Chipping Sodbury

When local residents asked for more seats in their responses to the Parish Plan questionnaire the group consulted with local residents and organisations as well as obtaining support and grants from South Glos. Council and Sodbury Town Council.

The Parish Plan group would like to thank all those who supported them by agreeing to have seats outside their businesses; The Coventry Building Society, The Hamptons, Lloyds Bank and The Rounceval Carriage Company.

Most of all thanks go to sponsors Jerry Hampton, Penny Kane and Joy May without whose help the seats would not have been possible.

Hopefully residents and visitors to the town will enjoy sitting on the seats to rest and admire the view for years to come.

Sodbury Parish Plan - Action Plan

The Sodbury Parish Plan Steering Group are pleased to announce the launch of their the Sodbury Parish Plan - Action Plan.

Click here to download your copy of the Sodbury Parish Plan - Action Plan [.pdf, 9KB]

Chipping Sodbury

The individual feedback from the questionnaire sent to all households reveals Sodbury as a thriving and proud community.

Residents have expressed their views on how the Parish can adapt to the challenges of a growing and changing community and its health, welfare, leisure and business interests.

Now that the Action Plan has been completed and endorsed by Sodbury Town Council, we are seeking the support of the organisations to explore ways to shape and deliver the Plan for Sodbury.

As an active and important part of the community, your enthusiasm, knowledge and experience will be invaluable.

We know from other parishes how their Plans have been successfully used to influence local policy makers. There are many examples where community groups have successfully worked together to obtain additional grant funding for their schemes.

Please download a copy of the Action Plan and consider which of the actions you would like to be involved with.

Next Steps

Old Sodbury

The Parish Plan group will continue to gather information, encourage and help generate and monitor action to make Sodbury an even better place in which to live, play and work.

But most of all we need your help.

We would welcome any further comments, suggestions or other support that you may be able to offer.

The Steering Group’s next task will be to formulate the Action Plan and following this we need groups of interested people to help achieve the actions.

Parish Plan members who acted as facilitators will lead each group through the early stages.

It is hoped that the groups will be assisted by, or led by the town organisations, but the Parish Plan group will always be there to offer support.

If we are going to achieve some positive outcomes and if the Action Plan is to become anything more than a wish list we have to demonstrate to both Sodbury Town Council and South Glos Council that the parish really wants to see these things happen and is willing to work together to make sure they do.

About the Plan

The Sodbury Parish Plan was started in 2013 with a questionnaire that went to every household in the area, asking what they like and don’t like about the Parish.

Questions also asked for ideas and suggestions as to what should be done in the future.

Around 30% completed the questionnaire.

At preliminary consultations we had interesting suggestions. Here are some examples:

  • A stall at the Farmers Market where resident gardeners can bring crops they have in excess.
  • The old quarry should be used for leisure activities e.g. canoeing, rock climbing, bungee jumping etc.
  • The main street in Chipping Sodbury should be partly pedestrianised to allow eating in a piazza type environment.
  • An information pack for new residents and a dedicated website for Chipping Sodbury.

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