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Sodbury in Bloom

Sodbury in Bloom

About Sodbury in Bloom

The Sodbury in Bloom group are a small band of volunteers who are keen to welcome newcomers.

They meet 10am on the first Thursday of the month in the community garden behind the Town Council Offfices.

They are also looking for people who might be willing to keep an eye on their local patch, cutting weeds back or planting bulbs as appropriate.

If you have green fingers and fancy enhancing your local patch, please get in touch.

The Sodbury in Bloom logo was created by Sophie Press from St John's Mead Primary School as part of a competition.

The photographs on this page are kindly supplied by Rich McD Photography.

Get in touch

Sodbury in Bloom

It's really important that everyone in Sodbury feels part of Sodbury in Bloom, so if you have ideas for what you'd like to see, please contact Julia Bernau at: or Pat Fryer on 01454 853736.

If you are interested in supporting Sodbury in Bloom, please click here to download and complete our registration form [.doc] and email it to Julia Bernau at: .

You can also visit us on www.facebook.com/SodburyInBloom.

2024 - A good year for Sodbury in Bloom

Sodbury in Bloom has been even busier than usual this year. There are a number of new planters in the town centre which have been purchased with a grant from South Glos Council under their 'Greening the High Street' initiative.

This brings the total number of planters we look after to fifty! It’s a lot of hard work but we think the results are worth it and hope you do too.

We are extremely grateful to Bob Janes for all his effort in watering them every day for three months.

Sodbury in Bloom

You may have noticed that the planting this year looks rather different. We are using more sustainable planting so that we don't have to replant planters every year and throw away the bedding plants.

We are gradually replacing most of our planting in this way although we shall still add some bedding plants for colour. The new planters all have reservoirs which means that they don't need watering as often and the ones at the ends of the benches are made from recycled plastic.

We are trying very hard to be more environmentally friendly. We hope you like the new planters and if you would like to help us look after them please get in touch with us.

You can do this either on Facebook or through this page.

Sodbury in Bloom

As usual money is tight and we are grateful to everyone who has given us a grant or donation. We would like to start a sponsorship scheme for the maintenance of some of the planters and if you think you might be interested leave us a message on our Facebook page.

We still look after the boat, the Millennium Garden (on the corner of the Ridings), the Community Orchard and the Community Garden.

The garden has done well this year with all the beds in use and we are grateful to the Town Council for letting us use their garden.

The orchard is thriving but the bees have gone to a new home where they are thriving. The boat is decked out with flags to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the RNLI. The MIllennium Garden has been planted up with plants that do not require watering and we are looking at possible replacements for the Box hedge round the seat.

As always, new members will be very welcome as there seems to be more to do every year. If you would like to come and join us you would be most welcome.

We are a friendly bunch and usually end our work sessions with tea, or coffee, and cake. You can find our details on this page or send us a message on Facebook.

Help Us Clean Up

Sodbury in Bloom

You may have noticed Jill Brierley out on the high street nearly every day litter picking, weeding and generally trying to keep the high street looking good.

Jill has some assistance but could really do with more and we are trying to get a team together.

If you would be interested in helping out occasionally please get in touch with us.

Even if you could only help once a month it would make a real difference.


Sodbury in Bloom is also supported by:

Sodbury In Bloom

About RHS Britain In Bloom

RHS Britain in Bloom is the UK’s largest community gardening campaign, involving hundreds of thousands of people.

Sodbury In Bloom

As part of RHS Britain in Bloom – and its sister campaign, RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood – volunteers in cities, towns, villages, urban communities and neighbourhoods work together to improve their local environment, using gardening as a tool.

The Sodbury In Bloom committee co-ordinates Chipping Sodbury's participation in Britain in Bloom.

Points are awarded for:

  • Horticultural achievement
  • Environmental responsibility
  • Community Participation

The long term benefit of the Project will be to make a lasting improvement to the community for everyone to enjoy, young and old, residents and visitors as well as for future generations.

To find out more, visit: www.rhs.org.uk/communities

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