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Sodbury & District Flower Club

We meet every 4th Tuesday of the month (excluding January, December and August) at 7.30pm.
We have practice classes where members do arrangements based on a set title, and invite visiting arrangers to give a demonstration - visitors are welcome. We hold a Beginners class at the Practice sessions.
We are an active club and enjoy outings, an annual skittles match and more. If anyone is interested in joining or finding out about our club they are welcome to join a meeting (there is a charge for non-members at demonstrations) or phone Rosemary Cummins on 0117 9373836. New members and beginners, including men and younger people, are always welcome.

Old Grammar School Rooms, Chipping Sodbury BS37 6AH

Web: www.mysodbury.co.uk/sodbury/sodbu...

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